Monday, March 2, 2009

Stay tuned.

For those who are familiar, you know I write lists; it's my lifeblood. But often, a lot more time is spent with my head in the listmaking clouds than is spent checking these notations off as completed. Yet there are many things I could easily say I don't believe I ever would have done, or done as soon, had I not written them down, on my hand, a bar napkin, or nice and tidylike in a notebook or a word doc. There is room for spontaneity, yes, and I do have it, though I could often strike a better balance.

But if lists are a security blanket, call me Linus.

That said, this will not just be a place for lists of things to do. It will be a place to celebrate lists in all their grandiose forms--to do lists, grocery lists, laundry lists, top 10 lists, A lists, D lists, Craigslist--wherever the spirit moves me, productive or otherwise. Because Lord knows, the potential is limitless.

I'll get on this when I am so moved. For now, enjoy this oh-so-true piece from the Onion:

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